Worcestershire & Herefordshire 24 hour Crisis Line

Experiencing a mental health crisis? Call anytime on freephone: 0808 196 9127

If you’re concerned about the mental health of yourself or someone close to you, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (HWHCT) can help. Call 0808 196 9127, and a trained telephone practitioner will be ready to assist you. 

Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to Worcestershire & Herefordshire residents.

Calls will be triaged to determine the nature of your problem, the urgency of the situation and the most appropriate next step. Working alongside the Crisis Resolution Team (CRT), a practitioner will provide you with a sympathetic ear and support you to the best possible outcome, whether that’s self-help support, guidance to other services, or a referral to the CRT.

How can they help?

  • Giving you the space and time to talk without judgement
  • Providing advice and explain the specialist services most relevant to you
  • Discussing tools and techniques that may reduce the intensity of your feelings
  • Making onward referrals to the most appropriate services

Based within the Crisis Resolution Team (CRT) at Worcestershire Royal Hospital and funded by HWHCT. 

Freephone 0808 196 9127

Always remember, you’re not alone. Here’s what people who’ve used the service have to say…

“Your availability to be there all hours has been such a helpful thing. You have been very patient and you have listened to me – thank you”

“This was so helpful – one of the most helpful crisis calls I’ve had. It wasn’t just a check list of “have you done this? Have you done that?” but felt like she approached it differently, like a person. I felt listened to. She asked what was going on that she could help with. I felt calmer once the call was finished.”