The strategic and financial benefits of corporate mental health training

A recent survey by Deloitte found that poor mental health cost the workplace a huge £52 billion in 2021, a 25% rise compared to 2019.

Higher staff turnover is a main contributing factor. 28% of employees had either left or had planned to leave their job in 2021/2, with a huge 61% stating this was driven by their poor mental health.

What does this poor mental at work look like? Deloitte director Elizabeth Hampson explains resignations are triggered by burnout, long hours, increased stress and job insecurity.

With this in mind, it’s unsurprising that companies increasingly recognise the vital role training has to play in creating an engaged and positive work environment, which in turn leads to higher job satisfaction and productivity resulting in lower staff turnover. In this resource, we’ve highlighted the main benefits of a mental health training programme to both staff and employers.

From enhancing awareness and understanding to fostering supportive environments and enabling individuals, the benefits of mental health training programmes can be far-reaching and impactful. 

While many organisations offer essential health benefits (which may or may not include a mental health provision), incorporating mental health training into the workplace goes a step further. It equips employees with the knowledge and tools to navigate their mental well-being, recognise signs of struggle in colleagues, and foster a culture of support and understanding.

Benefits for Employees:

  • Improved Self-Awareness: Training helps employees identify stress triggers, understand the impact of mental health on performance, and learn healthy coping mechanisms. This self-awareness empowers them to take proactive steps towards maintaining their mental well-being.
  • Reduced Stigma: Openly discussing mental health in a safe space helps dismantle the stigma surrounding mental illness. This encourages employees to seek help when needed, leading to faster recovery and better overall health.
  • Enhanced Resilience: Learning coping strategies and stress management techniques equip employees to build resilience and bounce back from challenges more easily.
  • Increased Work-Life Balance: Mental health training fosters an understanding of the importance of work-life balance. This empowers employees to set boundaries, prioritise their mental well-being, and avoid burnout.

Benefits for Employers:

  • Reduced Absenteeism: Studies show that employees with access to mental health resources are less likely to miss work due to mental health-related issues. This translates to increased productivity, reduced costs associated with absenteeism, and improved employee engagement.
  • Enhanced Employee Retention: Employees who feel valued and supported by their employers are likelier to stay with the company. Investing in mental health training demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being, fostering loyalty and reducing turnover costs.
  • Improved Work Culture: Open communication about mental health creates a more positive and supportive work environment. This fosters trust, collaboration, and a sense of belonging, leading to greater employee satisfaction and improved team dynamics.
  • Enhanced Employer Brand: Investing in mental health initiatives positions your company as a progressive and caring employer, attracting top talent and fostering employee loyalty.

Beyond Training:

While mental health training is a crucial step, it’s essential to remember that it’s not a one-time solution. Fostering a culture of mental well-being requires ongoing efforts. This includes:

  • Creating a safe space for open communication: Encourage employees to discuss their mental health concerns without fear of judgment or discrimination.
  • Promoting healthy work practices: Encourage regular breaks, flexible work arrangements, and healthy work-life boundaries.
  • Connecting employees with resources: Provide access to mental health benefits, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), and other helpful resources.
  • Leading by example: Managers and company leaders set the tone. Promote a culture of self-care and openly discuss mental health concerns.

By prioritising mental health through training and ongoing initiatives, companies can create a win-win situation for employees and the organisation. A healthy and supported workforce is productive and successful, paving the way for a more positive and thriving work environment.

Remember, investing in mental health is investing in your most valuable asset – your people.

We understand that mental health is a diverse and multifaceted field, which is why we offer a range of tailored courses. Our training programmes for workplaces and organisations cultivate a culture of openness, understanding, and support.

From specialised interventions, first aid, trauma informed awareness and many other aspects of mental health, SWWMind empower individuals to become agents of change for themselves and for their communities.

We offer a range of off-the-shelf and bespoke training solutions, delivered by an experienced team who use a variety of theoretical, practical, interactive and lived-experience methods. Check out our range here.