The ‘Orange Button Suicide Prevention Scheme’ Reaches Over 650 Wearers

The Orange Button is worn by people who have relevant training in suicide prevention. They are there to listen, signpost to local support, and help reduce stigma by talking openly about suicide.

Active Monitoring – A Day In the Life of a Practitioner

Active Monitoring (AM) is a guided self-help support service for low to moderate mental health difficulties, such as anxiety, low mood, anger, stress, low self-esteem, loneliness, grief and loss and understanding menopause. In this blog we share an example of a typical day for an AM Practitioner:

The Benefits and Impact of Volunteering

As we celebrate Volunteers Week, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible individuals who dedicate their time and energy to making a difference to SWWMind.

Living with Bipolar Disorder: Dan’s Story of Resilience and Hope

This World Bipolar Day, Dan’s story offers a glimpse into the realities of living with this condition. Diagnosed in his teens, his journey highlights the challenges and triumphs that come with bipolar disorder.

Service User Testimonial

In this testimonial, a service user shares her journey with SWWMind and the Breathing Space service. She recounts how Laura helped her navigate through a particularly challenging time.

Cost of Living Advice & Support

This guide by the Warwick District Council outlines the support and funding available to help cope with the rising cost-of-living.

What makes a great fundraiser? An insight into one of our top fundraisers!

What makes a great fundraiser? In this latest blog, we provide an insight into fundraising ideas for a local mental health charity.

Unlocking Wellness: The Transformative Force of Creativity

Creativity, an innate quality that has always fascinated us and sparked innovation in countless areas, can captivate our imagination and foster human expression and connection. Its impact extends beyond the realms of artistry, encompassing aspects of well-being as well.

An insight into Eating Disorders: How to help someone living with an ED

An Insight into Eating Disorders: How to help someone living with an ED Eating Disorders In this latest blog, we discuss eating disorders and share a personal story from one […]